Saturday, October 31, 2009

Five Law of Attraction Tips

Using the Law of Attraction in your life does not need to be hard and it doesn't have to cost a lot.

The truth is that there are a large number of things that you can begin to do yourself that will have a positive impact on your life. Here are five of the top Law of Attraction tactics that will enable you to get the best out of your life.

Tip #1 - Positive Attitude - One of the simplest methods that you can use to improve the quality of your life using the Law of Attraction is to always maintain a positive outlook. When you have a positive attitude to life, there is a good chance that it will attract other positive people, effects, and transformations in your life. Even if events in your life do not seem particularly good, maintaining a positive outlook can lead to the transformation that you want. In reality, your positive outlook is getting you ready for the time that things do improve. Always seeing the best in something, such as a less than perfect job, can enable you to be better placed in life, which leads the way for positive events to occur.

Tip #2 - Visualization - Another essential technique is to make a mental picture. It is vital that you actually picture where you want to be in your life. Picture yourself in a higher job, driving an expensive car, being healthier financially, and you will then have the ability to draw what you need to enable those pictures to come to fruition. You can never really reach the position that you yearn for unless you have a definite idea of the direction you are taking, and making the effort to continuously keep in mind where you see yourself being can be helpful in discovering where you want to be, as well as helping you to reach your goal.

Tip #3 - Affirmations - Often, the word affirmation conjures up images of how other people can confirm their wants and needs, but when it is taken in the perspective of the Law of Attraction, affirmations are really down to you. You have to begin putting down in writing what you want, and then keep saying them to yourself repeatedly. The more often you say them aloud and confirm your dreams, the likelier it is that they will come true.

Tip #4 - Always Keep Your Eye on Your Goal - Maintaining a focus on your ambitions is an essential technique too when you are considering the Law of Attraction. You do not want to be sidetracked by the situations that happen in your life, and you need to keep your eye on the things that you want to accomplish. The more focused you are on your ambitions, the greater the likelihood that you will achieve them.

Tip #5 - Move Forward - You can put into place as many plans as you like in your life, but if you do not really get going on anything, they will all amount to nothing. As soon as you begin to have positive thoughts, picture where you would like to be, use affirmations, and keep focused on your ambitions, then you are ready to begin progressing towards your goal. It doesn't matter if you achieve large or small steps, but it is essential that you are always progressing forwards and not just staying in one place.

Every one of these strategies is important, and if you use them together they will undoubtedly have astonishing effects on your life. Begin to use these Law of Attraction techniques and good things will certainly happen.

Source 10/31/09


Denno said...

Thanks for sharing this... I needed this kind of "kick in the pants" this month!

Anonymous said...

Helpful reminders for the Law of Attraction but fyi- the typo's and misplaced words are distracting.

Nikka said...

I want to say that I find your tips helpful. I also want to add something to Tip #2 - Visuallization. Creating a mental picture can be a big help but it's better if you actually make your own "dream board" where you can post real pictures of your mental images. Visualization alone isn't enough. Take it to the next level by creating your "dream board."

Anonymous said...

I'll repost this on my blog. Thanks!

Richelle R (3) said...

I just started reading The Secret. It is taking me a minute to get it all in my head, but I think once I can master it I will be very happy. Thank you so much for posting this.

Nicole Bunny said...

I love the Secret! It is completely and totally true!
I give "the Secret" kinds of personal advice on my blog

Saba said...

I like your blog! I appreciate what your doing!

Saba Teklegiorgis

Check out my article on The Secret!

Jon Kinsey said...

Wonderful tips anyone can follow. Thank you for the post.

Jon :-)

bmew28 said...

really inspirational!. i saw the secret accidentally and they way i attracted it was by thinking of Einstein "imagination is more important than knowledge"

M.A.D. said...

I LOVE the Secret and really enjoyed reading your post - excellent job!! You explained this sometimes *hard to get* subject very well. I've long believed and sometimes practiced these techniques. Awhile back I wrote several articles highlighting some of the same principals inherent to the secret it's good to keep spreading the message as I think people need to understand these things in order to live life more fully. Anyway, great work! :)

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