Thursday, July 2, 2009

Michael Jackson Did Not Know The Secret

Michael Jackson had talent and charisma. He had personal charm, magnetism and persuasion. He had fans and loads of money. He was a handsome man in his younger days.

But he did not have The Secret.

Michael Jackson was not happy with himself, and this was his demise. He was always looking for something to make him feel better. He was always spending tons of cash buying "stuff". Or popping a pill or getting a new surgery done.

All he needed to do was learn The Secret and there could have been a completely different outcome of recent events.

We will go further in depth on this topic over the next few days. Stay tuned.


Anonymous said...

I'm definitely looking forward to the depth you'll be going into in the next few days. I myself have mastered The Secret and can say it has changed my life dramatically.

E said...

Mr. Jackson was not recovered from a very difficult/traumatic abusive childhood, which he did not bring upon his self. HIs behavior is typical of people in that situation. When people who have not lived through that kind of trauma bring self rightous judgment upon something they know nothing about it does not promote growth or healing.

Anonymous said...

I agree with eternalsacredgi. I suggest you use The Secret to understand lifes ebb and flow a little more before posting things you know nothing about. What an ignorant view you have. Unfollowing your Twitter.

Anonymous said...

yes, unfollowing as well.

Jon Kinsey said...

Maybe he would still be alive if he followed the secret.

Jon :-)