Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Secret to Wealth


The law of attraction states that what you focus on you will get. So you ask yourself "How can I attract more money into my life? How can I get more of the green stuff? How can I get more wealth and prosperity?"

For starters, most people have a goal of getting out of debt. That'll keep you in debt forever. Remember, whatever you're thinking about you will attract. You'll say, but it's get out of debt."

It doesn't matter if it's get out of debt or get in, if you're thinking debt you're attracting debt.

Set up an automatic debt repayment program and start focusing on prosperity. Only then debt will be on the back burner and all your energy can now be focused on ways to begin earning new money.

Simple Steps to Creating Wealth
1. Set up an automatic debt repayment program.
2. Focus on new ways to earn new money and take action.
3. Believe that you will be successful earning more money.
4. Be grateful each day for what we already have.
5. Spend less than you earn and invest the rest automatically.

When it comes to creating weath, wealth is a mindset. It's all about how you think. We are the creators of our universe. See yourself as already being wealthly and you will.


Anonymous said...

I wish a had a magic lamp!

Anonymous said...

Jimmer you already have a magic lamp, everyone does. It's called the law of attraction.